The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies Small Grants Program
The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) is accepting applications for a flash small grant program. Proposed activities should support the broad mission of ANHS:
The Association’s mission is to promote research, teaching, and outreach activities to increase the understanding of the Himalaya and adjacent mountain regions and to promote scholarly exchanges between the United States and citizens of countries in the region.
Application deadline: October 1, 2023
Application guidelines and application form: Eligibility: ANHS members currently in good standing and/or teams of individuals that include at least one ANHS member in good standing. This includes student members. Projects can be individual or collaborative. Current ANHS Executive Council (EC) members may be involved in team projects as participants or advisors, provided that they do not receive direct financial compensation from this award to carry out the proposed activities. Former EC members are eligible to submit proposals as long as at least one calendar year has passed since they ceased being members of the EC.
Amount and number of expected awards: ANHS anticipates awarding approximately 3-5 awards at $800-1,000 each, with no single award exceeding $2,500.
Estimated program budget, number of awards and average award size/duration are subject to the availability of funds.
Proposal review criteria: A selection committee comprised of at least 1 current ANHS EC members and 1 general member will review the proposals according to these criteria:
Affinity with the ANHS mission
Clarity, merit, and feasibility of the proposal
Potential benefits for local communities in the Himalayan region
Priority consideration for: women-owned, women-focused, and/or women-led initiatives; activities that benefit rural and underserved populations; open-access publications or resources; landscape and the environment; preservation of tangible or intangible cultural heritage and traditions
Projects that support documentation or preservation of, or education about, imperiled traditions, communities, places, and languages
Events or resources that build or enhance relationships across borders in the Himalaya (political, linguistic, landscapes, etc.)
Interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary collaborations encouraged; all disciplines eligible
Proposal Process: Proposals should be submitted in English and include the following sections:
Basic information:
1. Applicant name
2. Affiliation (if any)
3. Email address
4. If email access is an issue, please provide a WhatsApp or WeChat ID where you can be contacted:
5. Location of proposed activity
Proposed activities and work plan: What will you do? How will you do it? Who will do it? (750 words or less) (750 words or less)
Deliverables/Results: Who are the targeted beneficiaries? How will this activity create a positive impact? What will be the results and how will you measure them? (750 words or less)
Timeframe: How long will the proposed project take to complete? (250 words or less)
Budget: Provide a budget breakdown, including calculations and brief rationale. Note: Receipts will be required for all expenses over US$100 or local currency equivalent.
Program impact statement: How would this small grant impact your career, your research, and/or your community? (250 words or less)
Project participants: Please provide a brief (100 word) biography for each team member
Examples of supported activities:
Special events (lectures, symposia, fine arts programming, etc.)
Professional development activities (workshops, trainings)
Targeted field or archival research
Collaborative research projects
Subsidy toward publication, including making new research available open access?
Contact information: Queries can be directed to:
Application guidelines and application form:
Application deadline: October 1, 2023
The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) is a member center of the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC). Funding for the ANHS Small Grants Program is provided by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State through a grant from CAORC.