Supporting Critical Research and Strengthening Scholarly Capacity in Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia
Implemented by the Centre d’Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), the Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), and the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC), with generous support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York through a grant to CAORC, this project highlights state-of-the art research by North African scholars.
Working with an established network of North African universities and research institutions, CEMA and CEMAT have previously hosted five in-house research teams on critical themes (see below) designed and directed by North African scholars.
The project design includes possibilities for methodological training in the social sciences targeting doctoral students, cross-national and generational discussions, as well as guidance for various academic and public interest publications.
During the two-year project, research teams have convened to collaborate on the following themes:
The Maghrib in transition
Borders and marginal regions in the Maghrib
Trans-regional economic, political, and social networks
Religious and linguistic practices
Contemporary Libyan studies
Carnegie project members participate regularly in ongoing ORC activities (conferences, lectures, workshops) and have organized additional events at their home institutions. Many of these activities have been recorded as podcasts, and are available at www.themaghribpodcast.com, thus expanding the reach of our ORC and local institution activities.
CEMA and CEMAT are the research centers of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies based in Algeria and Tunisia, respectively.