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Areej Sabbagh-Khoury Receives 5th Ibrahim Abu Lughod Award in Palestine Studies

The Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University announces the fifth recipient of the Ibrahim Abu Lughod Award in Palestine Studies, Areej Sabbagh-Khoury. The award recognizes and seeks to foster innovative and ground-breaking scholarship on issues related to Palestine and Palestinians. Areej Sabbagh-Khoury is an associate researcher and the Academic Coordinator of the Political Participation Project of Palestinians in Israel at Mada al-Carmel - The Arab Center for Applied Social Research. She will spend Fall 2015 at Columbia University working on a book project based on her dissertation research, Colonization Practices and Interactions at the Frontier: Ha-Shomer Ha-Tzair Kibbutzim and the Surrounding Arab Villages at the Margins of the Valley of Jezreel/Marj Ibn 'Amer, 1936-1956. Sabbagh-Khoury completed her Ph.D. in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel Aviv University. She contributed to several book chapters and articles, among them "Palestinian Predicaments: Jewish Immigration and Refugees Repatriation." She also co-edited The Palestinians in Israel: A Guide to History, Politics, and Society in two volumes. Her most recent publication is a co-authored article in Settler Colonial Studies; "Settler Colonial Citizenship: Conceptualizing the Relationship between Israel and its Palestinian Citizens." She has received several awards and grants for her research, among them the Fulbright Post-doctoral scholar award and a PARC research fellowship.

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