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CAORC Fellows and Events at MESA 2019

CAORC fellows and other affiliates of the American Overseas Research Centers will feature prominently in presentations, round-table discussions, meetings, and other events at the upcoming 2019 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, November 14–17 in New Orleans.

Presentations by recent CAORC fellows, along with a few examples of events organized by American Overseas Research Centers, are listed below.

Please note: this is not an exhaustive list; the several ORCs covering the Middle East are organizing many more exciting panels and events not listed here. Check the online MESA program for the most up-to-date information, and visit the ORC websites using our Where We Work directory.

November 14–17

Booth Exhibitions

American Research Center in Egypt, booth 5

Council of American Overseas Research Centers, booths 22–24

Come meet CAORC staff and learn about our programs!

Thursday, November 14

Panel Sessions

5:30pm: 5589 The Corporation, presentation by Kristen Alff (2014-15 Multi-Country Research Fellow)

Friday, November 15

Panel Sessions

10:15am: 5640 "Ancient" Knowledge and "New" Learning in the Early Modern Ottoman World, chaired by Taylor M. Moore (2018-19 Multi-Country Fellow)

12:30pm: 5428 Alternative Histories of Knowing in Modern Lebanon, organized by Susanna Ferguson (2014-15 Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellow), presentation by Edward Falk (2013-14 Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellow)

12:30pm: 5794 Special Session: Hirak – Algeria's New Revolution?, organized by Robert P. Parks (Director, Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie)

2:45pm: 5632 Food for Thought: The Transfer of Knowledge Along Middle Eastern Foodways, discussant Anny Gaul (2015-16 Multi-Country Research Fellow)

5pm: 5585 Magical Materialities: Toward A History of (Occult) Technology in the Islamicate World from the 13th to the 21st Century, organized by Taylor M. Moore (2018-19 Multi-Country Research Fellow)

5pm: 5699 Muslim Youth and Sports, presentation by George Bajalia (2016-17 Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellow)


8am: 5538 History on the Move: Mobility and Circulation in and beyond the Modern Middle East, participant Kristen Alff (2014-15 Multi-Country Research Fellow)

5pm: 5651 Iraqi Studies across Disciplines: The Future for an Iraqi Research Center, organized by The Academic Research Institute in Iraq


10am: “Doing Research in Egypt: What You Need to Know,” American Research Center in Egypt, 4-Edgewood A/B

4pm: Information Meeting, American Institute of Yemeni Studies, 8-Endymion/Mid-City

5:30pm: “Organizing Faculty-Led, Student Trips to Palestine: A Conversation on Opportunities, Obstacles and Best Practices,” Palestinian American Research Center, 5-Rampart

Saturday, November 16

10 Days Before the Wedding film Yemen
Director Amr Gamal will be in attendance for a screening of his film, "10 Days Before the Wedding"

Film Screening

3:30pm: "10 Days Before the Wedding," film screening with director Amr Gamal in attendance, co-sponsored by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers and American Institute for Yemeni Studies, Maurepas (Sheraton 3rd Floor)

Panel Sessions

8:30am: 5750 Globalizing Islam, presentation by Jonathan McCollum (2015-16 Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellow)

11am: 5471 Tunisian exception? Overlapping frameworks and trajectories in the modern period, presentation by Rebecca Gruskin (2015-16 Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellow)

3pm: 5470 The Mixed Legacies of Recent Uprisings in the Middle East: Authoritarianism, Social Policy, and Conflict, presentation by Jeannie Sowers (2018-19 Multi-Country Research Fellow)

5:30pm: 5504 Between Damascus and Delhi: travelers and pilgrims in the early modern Middle East and Indian Ocean, organized by Nir Shafir (2015-16 Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellow)


8:30pm: Reception, The Academic Research Institute in Iraq, 4-Southdown

Sunday, November 17

Panel Sessions

11am: 5622 Rethinking Contention: Economic Policies and Struggles for Social Justice in Jordan, presentation by Jose Martinez (2014-15 Multi-Country Research Fellow)

1:30pm: 5459 Islamism between Cold and Gulf Wars: a crucial decade, presentation by Vish Sakthivel (2015-16 Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellow)

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